2 out in one day today (actually 3 but I didn't finish the other until after I'd taken this shot). The TVR Tasmin came in before my surgery to have the steering rack removed for rebuild. Unfortunately the rebuilt rack had an end float issue so it had to go away again. Whilst I was under the car I found the engine mounts had collapsed and the control bar bushings on the front suspension had done much the same so new parts were sourced and have been fitted along with the rebuilt for a second time rack. The Bradford Utility was dropped off last week as a non starter, the AA man had been out to it but all he'd done was moan about missing his tea and when the owner's back was turned he drove off. Doesn't quite match their current advertising. I found the HT leads were a right state, the coil to cap lead was shoved into the coil with tin foil and was not secured to the cap. The plug wires were also not correctly secured and, to "cap" it all, were pushed into the wrong sockets. With new leads fitted correctly the engine fired right up and chugged away nicely. I've changed the oil & filter, secured the driver's seat runners and, after replacing the grease fittings, lubricated the steering & suspension. The other car that's going out is an MGB GT, it needed new wiring to the overdrive and new fuel hoses (the hoses were causing a blockage that led to misfire when under continuous load). I can actually walk around the workshop now, quite a pleasant change.
