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TVR S3J, final installment


The work on the TVR has continued apace since the last post and now it's just about ready to go out the door. The remaining carving of the block went well and it was relatively straightforward to match the 2 engines. The clutch and flywheel were fitted on Monday and the engine was back in the frame and bolted up and mostly connected by Tuesday night. I had Ian from Eyles Tyres & Hydraulics come up to the workshop to have a look at the faulty oil hoses and he was able to make up a new set that will withstand an awful lot more pressure than the old set. With oil and coolant in, and a fresh oil filter, I could try and fire it up, it kicked off right away and settled into a rather nice idle. The only leak was from a plastic pipe that links the top hoses and is an original Jaguar part, the builder, for some reason, had cut the 8mm top oulet off from one side of a fitting and screwed another into the other side, just to save a few inches of hose. A new part was ordered from Berkshire Jaguar, delivered next day, and with that fitted the job's done. The bonnet went back on today, I didn't drive it as the weather wasn't exactly ideal, but am hoping to run it up the road on Monday before it goes back home. I really want to see how it drives.

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