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TVR S3, spot the difference


Another update on the TVR S3 job, it had initially been thought that it was going to matter of swapping the engines, seized for 'new', but on removal it was found that the creator of this marvel had modified the engine castings somewhat to fit the chassis. I have to give him a lot of credit for the amount of work he had to do to achieve this, removing the engine was as straightforward as I could have hoped, probably a lot easier than if it had been an original car. The first thing I noticed was the different sumps, the one he's used must be from the American version of the engine as the standard Jaguar one has a cut out for the suspension subframe. I've swapped them over, and also the oil pick-up pipe to match. The ribbed belt drive on the front is the biggest change, various bits of the timing cover have been removed to allow for the mounting of a Subaru power steering pump, a smaller idler gear and an alternator on a fabricated bracket and with an adjuster rather than the original tensioner. Rather than swap the timing covers I decided it would be quicker to just copy what he'd done and so far it's gone ok. I've removed a large section of the upper right corner of the timing cover to allow for the fitting of a smaller idler pulley on its own bracket and drilled and tapped the block for mounting. In the photo the new engine is on the left, sumps have been swapped and idler fitted.



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