The Toyota Celica that came in last week has been keeping me busy of late and progress is being made. The idea is to get it through an MoT, which will require firing it up and driving it, to that end I started by replacing all of the cooling system hoses, and there were quite a few of them. Both water outlets from the engine were completely clogged with oxidated aluminium and whtever else that stuff is so it was a good job to do. The charge cooler system is separate, the 7 related hoses have been replaced, and during the removal of its radiator the air conditioning condenser was found to be deteriorating fast so I ditched it, along with the pipes to the heater system - the owner had already removed to compressor and left the pipes open so there was no harm in it. Remarkably few bolts broke and these were easily sorted. With a new fan installed and wired up and the bonnet latch adjusted and refitted that finished the area in front of the cross panel. Before I fire it up I've got to fit & connect the new aluminium radiator, replace the timing belt, pulleys and water pump and I am going to remove and drain the fuel tank and work through the fuel system to make sure it is all good. The brake calipers had already been rebuilt so I have fitted them and bled the system - there was a little binding in the master cylinder that made half the system difficult to bleed at first but a bit of thinking around the problem solved it.
