I've been doing some work on the Sizaire Fréres 4RI that came in a month or so ago and it really is a most interesting car as the first of the photos below hints at. An extremely rigid chassis is required if independent suspension is to do its work and this car certainly has one of those, 2 C-channel side members tied to a lower central tube that has the gearbox mounted on the front and the differential mounted on the back. So far: I have fabricated and fitted the new wiring loom and have installed and tested the new tail/brake lamps (and related brake switch); relocated the battery & isolator and fabricated and fitted new battery cables; Brooklands aeroscreens have been fitted; the broken brake drum has been removed for repair and all other brakes have been cleaned and checked; the instrument panel has been removed, lighting switch overhauled & tested, magneto kill switch modified with a microswitch & relay used to turn on ignition and fuel pump; the dashboard has been removed as the owner wants it to look like it was machine turned at some point in the past - this will be an interesting job, I learned how to do it from Tim Dutton when I had to create an original looking firewall for a Bugatti T35. There is some machine shop work required before I can do much more (1 good starter to be made out of 3 not so good, brake drum repair, wiring loom retainers to be fabricated). I also need to come up with a couple of headlamp brackets, a way of securing the spare wheel to the side of the car that doesn't stop the bonnet or door opening, someone to re-trim the front seat such that it matches what there is of the rest of the interior and various other small jobs.
