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Celica GT4, it's alive


Regular readers, if there are such people, might have wondered what's been going on with the Celica GT4 that I last talked about in September. I was at the point of putting some fuel in and firing it up but sadly it didn't quite work out that way - I couldn't get the fuel pump to do much, even though it was new, and then some other cars came in for small jobs that grew so I back-burnered it. Yesterday, with the TVR all done, I had some time and head space so took another look into the fuel pump issue but on connecting it directly to a battery, as I'd tried before, it worked, can't quite put my finger on why but I'm not going to worry about it. When I tried to start the engine it actually fired and ran for a couple of seconds but then died and wouldn't restart. With 30 minutes gaps it continued to act the same, fire, die, and then not start. I put the battery on charge overnight and had another go today, this time it was just turning over with the occasional fire but the gap between the occasions shortened after a bit and then it was running. I've not got it up to temperature yet, I'll put it outside and do that tomorrow, but I get the feeling the systems are awakening after a long slumber, maybe 15 years, things can only get better.



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