This very nice Austin 7 pickup conversion came in today for a couple of jobs. I think it started out as a Super Saloon, the previous owner carried out the conversion and has done a really neat job - it's even got a matching trailer. The horn had stopped working and the engine was showing up a slight miss when running at speeds above 49mph (there's a digital speedometer). Fixing the Klaxon horn was straightforward, a clean of the brushes and commutator and adjusting the location of the drive was all it needed. Looking into the misfire I found the points were closed up a bit & the spark plug tips on the pale and dirty side. I put in a spare set of plugs that came with the car and, after freeing up the piston lifting pin in the SU carburettor, set the mixture a little richer. I also changed the oil.
Austin 7 in the workshop